We were so inspired by our Ukrainian unity and activism that we decided to create a tool that could give it a more effective form. To become even more cohesive, which means even stronger. This is how the Dopomoha App ("Dopomoha" - means help in Ukrainian.) was born.Need help with anything? Create a request and in a second everyone nearby will be able to see and respond. Do you want to help someone? See who needs help nearby, get in touch and set out to make the world a better place.Its like Uber, but for mutual aid, where everyone is a driver and a passenger at the same time, and only emotions are the price. People are capable of selfless deeds. And we proved it! Moreover, we inspire the whole world, which has a chance to acquire a more harmonious form of existence. It will be cool if Dopomoha speeds up this process.Peace to all of us and Glory to Ukraine!